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Economic Metrics

The following is a sample of key community metrics. Please click tabs and images to explore details.

Beam/Compass Metrics
DMC/Compass Metrics

GDP Data: Data courtesy MN Compass

GDP Change Rochester Metro

<h2>GDP Change Rochester Metro</h2>

Annual GDP Change Comparison

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Annual GDP Change Comparison</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Compare GDP Southern Cities

<h2>Compare GDP Southern Cities</h2>

Real per capita GDP Greater MN

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Real per capita GDP Greater MN</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Per Capita GDP By Regions

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Per Capita GDP By Regions</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Annual Change GDP 2021

<h2>Annual Change GDP 2021</h2>

Change in GDP 2020

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Change in GDP 2020</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

% Change in Jobs (Southern, MN, US)

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >% Change in Jobs (Southern, MN, US)</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Median Household Income

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Median Household Income</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

% Jobs Change Southern MN Cities

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >% Jobs Change Southern MN Cities</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Ref Links:  DMC Dashboard   DMCC Mtg   DMC Beam Portal Metrics

DMC Private Investment (P 7)

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >DMC Private Investment (P 7)</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

State Aid (P8)

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >State Aid (P8)</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Minnesota Jobs

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Minnesota Jobs</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Olmsted County Jobs

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Olmsted County Jobs</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Rochester Jobs

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Rochester Jobs</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

DMC District ('16)

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >DMC District ('16)</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Culmulative new jobs in the DMC district

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Culmulative new jobs in the DMC district</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

% Jobs Change Southern MN Cities

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >% Jobs Change Southern MN Cities</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;



A sampling of Economic Development Assets

Discovery Square

Concept Description   Discovery Square Design 

Discovery Square Related Status

Saint Marys Place

Concept Description Saint Marys Place Design

St Marys Place Related Status

Heart of the City

Concept Description  Heart of the City Design

Heart of the City Related Status

Water Front

Concept Description Per Original Plan

Waterfront Related Projects

Waterfront Related Status

All Economic Development

Economic Development Related Organizations
69 Organizations(s) registered, shown in alphabetical order

Economic Development Related Projects
55 Economic Development Related Project(s) registered shown in alphabetical order

Economic Development Related Status

Central Station

Concept Description

Central Station Related Status

UMR/Rec District

Concept Description

UMR and Recreation Related Status

DMC Status/News

Full Screen Mode

Rochester Vision 2050 (August 02, 2024)

The visioning effort calls for soliciting broad community input to help propose desired strategic initiatives based on desired outcomes through 2050. ... Read more ...

Bryk Apartments Rental Eligibility Amendment (July 17, 2024)

July 17, 2024 City of Rochester: Adopting a Resolution authorizing an amendment to the Development Assistance Agreement and the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants to revise the affordability covenants related to the 80% Units. March and May 2023 reports to DMCC including video, documents and presentations.  ... Read more ...

DMC's BioRoch effort to Collaborate with MN MedTech 3.0 (May 27, 2024)

DMCC Board Updates: 1. May 2024 Status Memo to DMCC Board   2. Feb 2024 DMCC Board Meeting: Video Clip of Discussion at Feb 1 2024 DMCC Board - DMC part of MedTech 3.0; Memo to DMCC 3. Nov. 2023 Video Clip of Discussion at DMCC Board Meeting about MN MedTech 3.0 Description and Webinar References: US DEA Tech Hub Awardees  ... Read more ...

1H 2024 Destination Medical Center (May 24, 2024)

Proceedings May 2024 DMCC Board Meeting and City, County, DMC Joint Meeting Feb 2024 DMCC Board Meeting ... Read more ...

Downtown Waterfront Southeast: 6th Street Bridge (May 03, 2024)

Online Survey for Community Inputs Asian Community Inputs Outreach ... Read more ...

2024 Destination Medical Center (DMC) Updates (April 27, 2024)

DMC Updates April 29 Presentation to City Council Study Session  Transit Village Business Development Historic District ... Read more ...

EBE Presentation to City Council Study Session (April 01, 2024)

1. Part of Feb 26, 2024 City Council Study Session on DEI: Presentation Slides include actions and measures to City Council Study Session and Link to City Council video  2. Career Opportunities for Women of Color ... Read more ...

West Transit Village (March 10, 2024)

September DMCC Board Status: NTH to run a developer selection process with Mayo 2024-03-10 Added Video Clip Loop of Sep 2022 DMCC board meeting ... Read more ...

DMC Dashboard Metrics Portal (March 10, 2024)

In the public comments portion of the May 25, 2023 DMCC Board meeting, Al Lun reminded DMCC Board the need to update the DMC Metrics Dashboard per Tax revenue metrics September 2019 memo 2024-03-10 added YouTube video clip  Sep 20, 2019 Memo to DMCC Board  about DMC Dashboard to be updated twice a year Tax revenue metrics ... Read more ...

City Council: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Updates; Housing; International Relations (March 04, 2024)

DEI Presentation Topics: Language Access and Accessibility; Equity in the Built Environment; 2024 Initiatives Economic Development Incentives for Housing Mayor Updates: Black History Month, Luther College: Mutable City; International Relations Committee ... Read more ...

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