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Education Metrics, RPS, C2C & Other Assets

Education Score Card

The following is a sample of key community metrics. Please click tabs and images to explore details.  Also scroll or click link to assess a sample of community assets that impact c2c domains of interests. 

Data Courtesy of Cradle to Career Data Dashboard

Access to Adequate Parental Care (C2C Tableau)

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Access to Adequate Parental Care (C2C Tableau)</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

3rd Grade Reading (C2C Tableau)

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >3rd Grade Reading (C2C Tableau)</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

8th Grade Math (C2C Tableau)

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >8th Grade Math (C2C Tableau)</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Four-Year Graduation Grates (C2C Tableau)

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Four-Year Graduation Grates (C2C Tableau)</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Post-Secondary Education (C2C Tableau)

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Post-Secondary Education (C2C Tableau)</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

3rd Grade Reading Line (C2C Tableau)

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >3rd Grade Reading Line (C2C Tableau)</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

8th Grade Math Line C2C Tableau)

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >8th Grade Math Line C2C Tableau)</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Focuses on RPS Strategic Plan and RCTC

The following is a sample of Rochester Area community assets (organizations and projects) at work improve educational outcomes.  Search more  ...

Main Education Projects

Rochester Public Schools Strategic Plan



Developing and Executing on Cradle to Career Plan



RCTC/Perkins Collective Impact


Education Projects/Org/News