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Targeted Business and Workforce Dashboard Pilot

TBE monthly admin messages and reports side by side view

Welcome to OpenBeam's prototype dashboard to present Jorrie Johnson's Rochester's Targeted Business and Workforce Participation Initiative monthyly report


Q2 2024








Q1 2024








Q4 2023








Q3 2023








Q2 2023








Q1 2023








Q4 2022








Q3 2022







Q2 2022








Q1 2022








Sample of Workforce/Entrepreneurship Assets & Events


Key Workforce Projects

Targeted Business Enterprise Utilization

Available Description

To further increase participation rates of targeted businesses and workforce on DMC projects, four priorities have been identified that are outlined below. (1) Build capacity of Targeted Businesses located in Southeastern Minnesota (2) Assess gaps with existing subcontractors to determine market opportunity. (3) Recruit women and minorities from workforce to start their own companies. (4) Host workshops to educate entrepreneurs, provide consulting services for WMBVE certification process and assist with bid process to win contracts on DMC projects.

Strategies (How)




1. Build capacity of Target Businesses located in Southeastern Minnesota

2. Evaluate the City of Rochester DMC Construction Workforce Participation 

3. Promote trade careers to under-employed, women, minorities and youth

4. Learn best practices for recruiting and training workforce


July 01, 2024 City of Rochester, MN: First Half 2024 Targeted Business Enterprise Utilization Plan Reports

2Q 2024: June 2024May 2024 - Admin Message, TBE Report; April 2024 - Admin Message, TBE Report

1Q 2024: Feb 2024 - Admin Message, TBE Report; Jan 2024: Admin Message, TBE Report

Special callouts: Women in Construction; City of Rochester Equity in Development 

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December 03, 2023 City of Rochester, MN: 2023 Targeted Business Enterprise Utilization Plan Reports

2023 4Q: November; October

2023 3Q Reports: September; August, July reports

2023 2Q: June 2023 Report (featuring Nashauna Johnson-Lenoir Success);  April 2023 Communications; Equity in Built Environment Career: Mentors and Guest Speakers Wanted. 

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May 25, 2023 City of Rochester, MN: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Barriers Study

(1) DBE Study Session to City Council April 17, 2023 , (2) Memo to DMCC Board; 

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January 04, 2023 City of Rochester, MN: Targeted Business Enterprise Utilization 2022 Communication

4Q22: December messages and reports; November messages and reports;  October messages and reports; 3Q2022:  August, July messages and reports; 2Q2022: June, May, April message and report; 1Q 2022 (1) TB report and message (2) An apprenticeship readiness program is now recruiting women, people of color and veterans for careers in the construction industry. (3) Bloomberg news

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January 03, 2022 City of Rochester, MN: 2021 Targeted Business Enterprise Utilization Plan Reports

Key info includes: 4Q 2021 News;  3Q 2021 News, 2021 Global Mayors Challenge, DMC Discovery Walk Pre-bid 

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December 14, 2021 City of Rochester, MN: Building Strong Communities

Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council is expanding Building Strong Communities to Southeast Minnesota.

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May 28, 2021 City of Rochester, MN: Targeted Business Enterprise Utilization Plan

2021-05-28 News: Msg from JJ,;  May 2021 TB Report;  ACG pledge , 

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January 01, 2021 City of Rochester, MN: 2020 Targeted Business, Workforce Participation Reports

2020-12-11 Report; 2020-11-02 October Report; 2020-09-30 September Report 

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Adminstration of Rochester's 3.12M award from Minnesota Main Street Economic Revitalization Program

Available Description

DMC and City of Rochester adminstrating the distribution of 3.12M award. Formal grant criteria will be established, including the prioritization of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) participation. DMC will serve as the administrator of the grant.


December 21, 2022 DMC EDA: Administration of Rochester's 3.12M award from Minnesota Main Street Economic Revitalization Program

(1) Second Phase Grant; (2) DMC Announces First Recipients of Main Street Grant Funding 30 Businesses ($1.6M) ; (3) Launching of Main Street Grant 

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February 03, 2022 DMC EDA: Ann & Press Release of Rochester's 3.12M award from Minnesota Main Street Economic Revitalization Program

(1) Presentation to DMC Board, Feb. 2022; (2) Press Release DMC EDA to administer 3.12M distribution of MN Main Street Economic Revitalization Program.

"Formal grant criteria will be established, including the prioritization of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) participation. DMC will serve as the administrator of the grant."

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Equity in the Built Environment (Bloomberg)

Develop Description

Started first as a mayoral initiative to apply and leverage the knowledge and learning from Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Program (that offers leadership and management training to mayors and city leaders) to affecting organizational change and to foster city leaders' professional growth and the advancement of key capabilities within Rochester metro area which leads to Rochester being a finalist for the 2021 Global Mayors Challenge.


April 01, 2024 City of Rochester, MN: EBE Presentation to City Council Study Session

1. Part of Feb 26, 2024 City Council Study Session on DEI: Presentation Slides include actions and measures to City Council Study Session and Link to City Council video 

2. Career Opportunities for Women of Color

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January 10, 2024 City of Rochester, MN: Trade Readiness

1. PB Reporting Empowering 11th-grade students

2. Trade Readiness: Message from program manager and program flyers; Trades Readiness Certificate program

3. Video recording at Jan 10. 2024 Equity Alliance Talk 

4. Star Tribune Feb 17, 2024 Reporting

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December 14, 2022 City of Rochester, MN: Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative (BHCL)

(1) December 2022, Featuring Chao Mwatela, DEI Director, Rochester, MN (2) Bloomberg News (local infrastructure Hub (3) Keep it local grant recognized by Bloomberg

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February 03, 2022 City of Rochester, MN: 2021- 2022 Global Mayors Challenge Status Reports

 (1) Updates to Feb. 2022 DMCC Board; 

(2) 2022-01-18 Press Release City of Rochester Winner;

(3) September 2021 DMC Presentation;

(4) References: 90 Second Pitch Video, Public Media 

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Workforce Affiliated Projects, Organizations, Status

Workforce Development Related Projects
42 Workforce Development Related Project(s) registered shown in alphabetical order

Workforce Development Related Organizations
35 Organizations(s) registered, shown in alphabetical order

Workforce Development Related Status

108 Workforce Development Related Status Report(s) registered, max. 20 shown in date order

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