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Education Metrics with Cradle to Career Info


Community Engagement

Closing referral disparities (resolution agreement with Office of Civil Rights)

Archive Description

Need to close the disciplinary gap. Black and Hispanic students are referred to the office at a significantly higher rate when compared to white students and Asian students. Black and Hispanic students receive In-School-Suspensions at a significantly higher rate when compared to white students and Asian students. Black and Hispanic students receive Out-Of-School-Suspensions at a significantly higher rate when compared to white students and Asian students.

Strategies (How)

Per December 9, 2015 RPS District Discipline Data Presentation handed out in community meeting on 2016-01-07

Areas of focus:

  • RPS continued partnership with Great Lakes Equity Center
  • Distribution of Student Handbook
  • Training and discussion with students regarding Student Handbook
  • Community engagement sessions
    • Review student handbook
    • Generate ideas and suggestions and solicit input from our stakeholders
  • District-wide focus on identifying alternatives to suspensions
  • Continued enhancement and strengthening of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
  • Developing individualized plans to ensure students are receiving the supports needed to promote their success
  • Relentless pursuit of eliminating the disproportional
    • Ongoing staff development
      • Internal expertise
      • External expertise
  • Soliciting community supports
    • Wrap around services for our families
  • Identify areas of excellence within our district and find ways to replicate
    • Continued identification of and alignment of resources
  • Engage with Community Focus Team


September 15, 2023 Rochester Public Schools: RPS Board Consider Updating District Equity Policy

RPS Board Study Session video recording; Proposed Equity Policy; PB Reporting

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July 26, 2023 Rochester Public Schools: 2022-2023 RPS Disipline Data

"According to the district’s data, suspensions increased from 1,224 in 2021-22 to 1,523 in 2022-23, representing a jump of 24.4%."

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July 21, 2020 Rochester Public Schools: Closing referral disparities (resolution agreement with Office of Civil Rights) 2019 -2020

2019 and 2020 RPS Data: July 14, 2020 School Board Meeting, 2019-2020 First Semester, Achievement and Integration Plan Updates 2020


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July 30, 2018 Rochester Public Schools: Closing referral disparities (resolution agreement with Office of Civil Rights)

July 18, 2018 Commissioner Lindsey of the MN Department of Human Rights Forum with Rochester Community.

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June 19, 2018 Rochester Public Schools: 2018 RPS Discipline Data Update - Information

At the 6/19/2018 school board meeting, the following discipline data was presented.

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RPS Strategic Plan


Rochester Public Schools Strategic Plan

Available Description

Per RPS: "We are currently in the third stage of strategic planning. This stage develops a plan that addresses the action (the 'how') and measurements ('how well are we doing') to meet the strategic objectives. You are now invited to nominate yourself, or others, to be part of the third stage of strategic planning by serving on the Measurement Team or an Action Team."

Strategies (How)

Create a collaborative learning environment that uses best practices

Expand and enhance community partnerships

Inspire, challenge and empower current and future employees

Results (Work Products)

Results By 2017

  • All students will demonstrate and promote cultural understanding of self and others to become involved members of a global community.
  • All students will identify, develop and apply their personal talents to contribute positively to future generations.
  • All students will create and pursue their individual empower them to reach their full potential.


Indicators (How do we know we are achieving the results?)


  1. Staff, students, and parents understand our strategic objectives and framework for assessing student development.
  2. Community partners recognize and support the value of our strategic objectives and framework for student development.
  3. Rubrics relevant to all student levels have been developed.
  4. A learning and phased process is used to refine how we gather evidence and assess student growth on the strategic objectives.


March 01, 2024 Rochester Public Schools: John Marshall HS Black Student Union


Best Practices in Recruitment and Project Management Appointments

John Marshall Black Student Union:

African and African American students are sometimes viewed by their white peers as a monolithic group with identical life experiences.

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September 29, 2023 Rochester Public Schools: Technology Referendum for the Rochester schools

1. Post Bulletin: Rochester 10 Year, $ 10M+ school funding referendum Op ED PB: Kent Pekel: "Why I recommended a technology referendum for the Rochester schools"; 2. School Board Study Session; 3. Official YouTube Presentation

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April 25, 2023 Rochester Public Schools: Rochester Public Schools Strategic Plan 2022

1. 2022 Strategic Plan and extracted sections. 2. RPS Strategic Plan Building Blocks 

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August 09, 2022 Rochester Public Schools: Plans to Strengthen Belonging and Behavior During the 2022-2023 School Year

June 20, 2022 Memo to RPS Board re Belonging & Behavior Summit and August 2022 High Priority Items

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November 18, 2015 Rochester Public Schools: Rochester School board adjusts 3-year plan

2015-11-19 PB reports the following:

Three Year Operational Plan

... Rochester Public Schools likely will look at developing a 'care team' model next school year that would connect families with community resources.  The goal of the program would be to break down problems that affect a child's academic performance. "The model is based on recruiting the 'navigator-type' person, who's aware of all the services that might be needed by a family," said Amy Eich, director of community education.

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Cradle to Career

Developing and Executing on Cradle to Career Plan

Develop Description

Every child and young adult succeeds cradle to career, through shared purpose, alignment and accountability among community partners This is the purpose of the Cradle to Career initiative in Rochester, Minnesota. Education is a powerful strategy to improve educational outcomes resulting in healthy individuals, families and community who have economic stability with productive careers and contribute positively to a civic and equitable society.

Strategies (How)

 The Cradle to Career Planning Team recommends the StriveTogether Framework for several reasons. The framework consists of four pillars: shared community purpose, evidence based decision-making, collaborative action, and investment sustainability. It is a model using collective impact which is critical to success. There are 70 other cities, large and small
within the United States and beyond working within this same framework. This gives the initiative a body of support, best practices and partners with whom to learn, share and grow success. 

StriveTogether core values:

▪ Community: We focus on what connects us rather than what separates us and communicate to each other with transparency and integrity
▪ Courage: We fail forward even if no one is watching, have the tough conversations no one likes having and take risks in pursuit of results.
▪ Progress: We share learning and progress in real time, view professional development as personal growth and fix problems through continuous improvement.
▪ Results: We use data and evidence to make decisions and hold each other accountable for getting results.


Partnership goals

  • Developing a shared purpose and supporting systems change
  • Broadly supported backbone structure to sustain a community-adopted purpose and shared outcomes
  • Continuous examination and measurement of result using actionable data and continuous improvement
  • Aligning resources to support what works
  • Advocating for equity at all levels of the system




Results (Work Products)

Lowering of the poverty rate

Lowered social services and needs for social support programs

Reduced crime and its associated public spending on incarceration


Indicators (How do we know we are achieving the results?)

The Cradle to Career Goals align to seven community-wide academic outcome areas that we have committed to improving. By 2029 we are committed to maintaining or improving 60% of these outcome indicators. The seven indicators are:

1. Pre-K Developmental Success

Percent of children developmentally health at age three

2. Kindergarten Readiness

Percent of children developmentally ready to enter kindergarten

3. Third Grade Reading Proficiency

Percent of students reading at grade level at grade three

4. Eighth Grade Math

Percent of students proficient in math at grade eight

5. High School Graduation

Percent of students graduating high school with for year cohort

Percent of students with required skills for post-secondary training

6. Post-Secondary Completion

Percent of you adults attaining within 6 years:

a college degree or industry, government or military-recognized license/certificate

7. Workforce Participation

Percent of young adults gainfully employed and percent of young adults contributing to community


Related indicators

Lowering of the poverty rate

Lowered social services and needs for social support programs

Reduced crime and its associated public spending on incarceration

Increased food security

Increased housing stability

Increased employability

Increased physical and mental health



July 27, 2024 Cradle to Career: C2C Summer 2024 Sparklers

Newsletter Highlights:

Systems Change Designation; Data Updates; Network Updates; Contributors

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May 06, 2024 Cradle to Career: Free FAFSA Support for Community Based Organizations

5/6/2024 Announcement: CBO hosting a College Financial Aid Event to receive $1000 grant

Cradle 2 Career (C2C), Rochester Public Schools (RPS), and Arch to Philanthropy are launching a College Coordinator Pilot to provide College Based Organizations (CBOs) resources for College Readiness.

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December 19, 2023 Cradle to Career: 2023 C2C Announcements and News

Dec 2023 Leadership Table Membership

Oct. 2023 C2C Second Annual Education Summit

Jan. 2023 Data Analyst Job Opening. 

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December 03, 2023 Cradle to Career: Increase Access to Prenatal Care Co-Design Project

We invite parents, family members, healthcare providers, and others to help us increase healthcare access for pregnant people. Parents 15-19-years-old, with less than a high school education, and/or who are Black/African American face the largest care gaps.

C2C Admin Message

Compensated co-designer description

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October 16, 2018 Cradle to Career: Cradle to Career publishes community report

Cradle to Career published Community Report and recruiting Collaborative Action Network (CAN) conveners for Kindergarten Readiness and On-Time Graduation.

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February 22, 2018 Cradle to Career: Cradle to Career 2018 Launch Feb 22, 2018 Meeting

At the February 22 meeting, the following information was shared. 

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